Saturday 22 October 2016


What is the Indian diet and what is wrong with it?

The indian diet isn’t at fault here, rather the lifestyle is where the problem lies. What one needs to understand is that in order to make an indian weight loss diet plan, we must first identify our lifestyle choices that ruin our health. Sleep after you eat? Stop doing that because that contributes to fat gain. Even though scientifically it isn’t required, the biggest change we need to make is that, we need to eat more meals but smaller meals. From the first meal to the last, the quantity should decrease, meaning you should not have heavy dinners, which is the achilles heel for Indian diets. 
Also as I’ve said before countless times, look out for hidden sugars in your diet. A common fat loss myth is that only sugar is in sweet food. Not necessarily. Speaking of sweet food, mostly all Indians supplement with a sweet dish after their dinner and then sleep immediately afterwards. Fat gain to the next level! Start supplementing with a whey protein shake to reduce your sugar cravings for an effective start to making yourIndian diet to lose weight.

Calories In vs. Calories Out

Ah. Calories. My old enemy. See the problem with calories is that science doesn’t care of what you eat. Just how much of it you do. Unfortunately for you, that still doesn’t mean that you can lose weight eating junk. Anindian diet chart or any other diet chart for example, will have a simple yet frustrating task to count calories. Counting calories isn’t rocket science but you need to remember a few things:
    - BMR: This is quite simple to understand. Your BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, is the rate at which the body uses energy while at rest to maintain vital functions such as breathing and keeping warm. 
    - Calories In: The amount of calories you intake
    - Calories Out: The amount of calories you burn up while exercising or creating a deficit
    - Caloric Deficit: Eating lesser amount of calories than your body needs to maintain it’s weight
    - Caloric Surplus: Eating more amount of calories than your body needs to maintain it’s weight
    - Total Caloric Intake = Calories In+ Calories Out
This is easier explained by an example. Amit is a 19 year old male with a BMR caloric rate of 1500 calories. He needs 1500 calories to maintain his weight. He intakes 1800 calories but burns 300 calories while running. In conclusion his total caloric intake is still 1500 calories and he will maintain his current bodyweight. As you might have guessed, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight so for starters go online, calculate your BMR caloric output and reduce that number by 500. These are the number of daily calories you need to lose weight. For generalization reasons we will continue using the 1500 calorie number.
Make sure you distribute the calories into 4-5 meals; breakfast being the heaviest and dinner the lightest 

How to plan your own 1500 calorie diet


General 1500 Calorie Indian Diet Plan

Vegetarian Diet
Since most Indians do still prefer to be vegetarian, it makes sense for an indian weight loss diet chart to include a vegetarian option:
Meal 16:301 glass of lime juice or green tea000
Meal 29:00Methi Roti, Daliya (2, 60grams) with 1tbsp oil, 1 cup low fat curd, 1 fruit (apple)38361.7416.3
Meal 311:00Buttermilk (1 glass) and Papaya fruit bowl8113.82.5
Meal 42:002 plain roti or 2 cup tomato rice and 1cup veg raita, and 30grams palak soya with 2tbsp oil and 1 bowl green salad5201428.75
Meal 54:00Jasmine or herbal tea (1cup) and cucumber salad (1cup) with 1tbsp hummus or 1 bowl green salad905.524.11
Meal 66:30Fruit smootie (1glass) or 1 apple with low fat curd120217.75
Meal 79:001 Veg stuffed roti or 1 cup Khichdi and 1 cup of vegetables, 1 cup lentil soup with 2tbsp of oil29545.4510.1
Total  1489161.5169.51

Non-Vegetarian Diet
Meal 16:301 cup Lemon tea or Green Tea with 1 pinch of sauf powder51.110.1
Meal 29:002 besan and eggwhite cheela with 10grams of mint leaves or 2 omlettes with whole wheat chapatti with 2tbsp of oil and 1tbsp of mint chutney30032.220.4
Meal 311:001 glass coconut water or buttermilk4692
Meal 42:002 cup brown rice pulao with lemon grass or 2 jowar roti and 2 grilled fish with oregano and 1 cup of green beans with 2tbsp oil and 1cup green salad47180.5229.59
Meal 54:001 cup fruit smoothie and 5 almonds17010.735.1
Meal 66:301 cup green tea, 1 cup sprouts or bhel or 2 wheat crackers12711.744.54
Meal 79:001 missi roti, 1 bowl of steamed chicken salad with 1tbsp of curd dressing and gourd vegetable curry with 1tbsp of oil with tomato and spring onion37524.2231.59
Total  1494169.5293.32
The indian meal plans given above are generalized but a good basis for you to start but do remember to apply this on your caloric level although you can use this plan to also understand the amount your body needs to maintain.

Timing of Meals

The timing of the meal although has been recently disproved, is still important in the case of Indians. Like I explained earlier, space out these meals into 5-6 meals evenly. The calories equation still stays the same, but the meals being equally distributed keep your metabolism kicking thus helping you create a healthy indian diet chart for weight loss. Macronutrient-wise this means having the most amount of carbs during breakfast, and a negligible amount in dinner. Keep your protein high for all meals. 


  1. Choose a low-carb diet
  2. Eat when hungry
  3. Eat real food
  4. Eat only when hungry
  5. Measure your progress wisely
  6. Be persistent
  7. Women: Avoid fruit
  8. Men: Avoid beer
  9. Avoid artificial sweeteners
  10. Review any medications
  11. Stress less, sleep more
  12. Eat less of dairy products and nuts
  13. Exercise smart
  14. Get your hormones checked
Consider weight loss pills   

Benefits of a structured meal plan

Not only do you get a regimented diet plan which makes sure that you are going to get sustainable results but it is also imperative to have this sort of regiment in your daily life. Following a plan can result in skills that will help you maybe make for others an indian diet chart for weight loss, as well as motivating you to achieve more.

1 comment:

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