Sunday 12 February 2017



A personal trainer helps you define your fitness goals. He takes into account your current fitness level and discusses what you want to achieve through your workouts. While you may have some idea of the goals you want to set, a professional is able to help you break them down into smaller goals that are specific and realistic. The personal trainer also helps assess your progress toward those goals.

Personalized Workout

Personal trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on what you want to achieve. The personalized plan typically gives you better results than a general workout plan. Because he knows your physical condition and medical background, he is able to make accommodations to the program to fit your needs.


A professional trainer teaches you the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. She often demonstrates the movement and watches you perform it so she can correct any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury. You also will be able to do the exercises on your own at home or at the gym after getting professional fitness instruction.


Motivation is often difficult to maintain when you exercise on your own. Regular sessions with a personal trainer enhance your motivation to continue with a workout regimen. Even if you don't use a personal trainer for every session, knowing that you'll meet with your trainer soon will motivate you during workouts. You also get the satisfaction of showing your trainer the improvement you've made as your exercise program proceeds.


Another common problem is lack of commitment to a regular exercise program. When you exercise on your own, it is easier to skip a session here and there or fall off the wagon completely since there's no one to hold you accountable for you actions. When you work with a trainer, he keeps you accountable, making it more likely that you'll stick with your training program.


An experienced trainer teaches you a variety of exercise methods, which can keep you from getting bored. Also, if a specific exercise does not work for you, the trainer can change it to one that suits you better and provides the same physical benefits. Trainers also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress.


A professional personal trainer is able to make the most of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your exercise program. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited amount of time to exercise. For example, if you have to cut your 1-hour training session short one day, your trainer can complete a routine with you that burns the same number of calories and provides the same physical benefits in half the time.

How Soon Can I See Results from a Personal Trainer?

Personal training is the backbone of the fitness industry. When you hire a personal trainer, you're paying him to assist you in reaching your fitness goals. He'll accelerate the process, but a trainer isn't a magic pill. The results you'll see with a trainer depend on the time invested per week and the goals themselves. By understanding how much time should be invested, on average, for a specific goal, you'll be a better judge of your personal trainer and your own limitations.

Training for Strength and Mass

You'll meet with your trainer on a schedule of two to four days a week, covering compound exercises. She'll progress the weight and repetition of each exercise in a controlled fashion. For example, Monday could cover a lower body movement like the deadlift, while Thursday includes an upper exercise such as the overhead press. In addition, she may suggest particular foods or supplements specific for gaining mass and strength. Expect to start seeing results after 30 days.

Training For Fat Loss

You'll likely work with your trainer three to five times per week. One to two of these sessions will be concerned with strength training to preserve muscle mass. The remaining sessions will emphasize cardio. This may include sprints or circuit training. For example, Monday and Wednesday may still be strength days. Tuesday and Thursday, however, are sprint days. You'll perform one minute of work for six sets with 90 seconds of rest between efforts. On average, you'll drop one to two pounds a week, seeing results in three to six weeks. As with strength training, your trainer may suggest foods pertinent to fat loss.

How Much Should I Pay for an At-Home Personal Trainer?

Hiring a personal trainer in health club help you reform your habits can give you the extra edge you need to meet your fitness goals. Unfortunately, private trainers can be pricey, especially when you reside in an area where trainers are in high demand. By asking upfront what a trainer's policies, contract terms and pricing are, you can begin a mutually beneficial partnership without the risk of missed communication and questionable terms.

Initial Discussion

While searching for the ideal personal trainer, you'll need to have frank discussions with the various trainers you contact.The price is 1000 to 1500  per session of 45 min. whether you have a trainer come to your home or meet at the health club. The price will vary depending upon where you live. Some may set a price on a session-by-session basis, while others prefer a monthly or contract rate. Some gyms will offer you a discount if you buy multiple training sessions or sign up as part of a new membership. Online personal training sessions are also available. If you're having the trainer come to your home, ask what type of equipment is necessary so you understand what your upfront costs are.

Contract Terms

Once you've narrowed your search to one or two personal trainers, take the time to look over the client information and contract that a reputable trainer will supply you. The contract will likely cover terms such as your agreed-upon price, the length of your contract and what exactly you're paying for. It's important to read the contract thoroughly, since once you sign it, it's a legally binding document that proves your willingness to agree to all of the terms. It's also an excellent time to address any concerns you may have with the pricing or terms.

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