Sunday 12 February 2017



A personal trainer helps you define your fitness goals. He takes into account your current fitness level and discusses what you want to achieve through your workouts. While you may have some idea of the goals you want to set, a professional is able to help you break them down into smaller goals that are specific and realistic. The personal trainer also helps assess your progress toward those goals.

Personalized Workout

Personal trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on what you want to achieve. The personalized plan typically gives you better results than a general workout plan. Because he knows your physical condition and medical background, he is able to make accommodations to the program to fit your needs.


A professional trainer teaches you the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. She often demonstrates the movement and watches you perform it so she can correct any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury. You also will be able to do the exercises on your own at home or at the gym after getting professional fitness instruction.


Motivation is often difficult to maintain when you exercise on your own. Regular sessions with a personal trainer enhance your motivation to continue with a workout regimen. Even if you don't use a personal trainer for every session, knowing that you'll meet with your trainer soon will motivate you during workouts. You also get the satisfaction of showing your trainer the improvement you've made as your exercise program proceeds.


Another common problem is lack of commitment to a regular exercise program. When you exercise on your own, it is easier to skip a session here and there or fall off the wagon completely since there's no one to hold you accountable for you actions. When you work with a trainer, he keeps you accountable, making it more likely that you'll stick with your training program.


An experienced trainer teaches you a variety of exercise methods, which can keep you from getting bored. Also, if a specific exercise does not work for you, the trainer can change it to one that suits you better and provides the same physical benefits. Trainers also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress.


A professional personal trainer is able to make the most of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your exercise program. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited amount of time to exercise. For example, if you have to cut your 1-hour training session short one day, your trainer can complete a routine with you that burns the same number of calories and provides the same physical benefits in half the time.

How Soon Can I See Results from a Personal Trainer?

Personal training is the backbone of the fitness industry. When you hire a personal trainer, you're paying him to assist you in reaching your fitness goals. He'll accelerate the process, but a trainer isn't a magic pill. The results you'll see with a trainer depend on the time invested per week and the goals themselves. By understanding how much time should be invested, on average, for a specific goal, you'll be a better judge of your personal trainer and your own limitations.

Training for Strength and Mass

You'll meet with your trainer on a schedule of two to four days a week, covering compound exercises. She'll progress the weight and repetition of each exercise in a controlled fashion. For example, Monday could cover a lower body movement like the deadlift, while Thursday includes an upper exercise such as the overhead press. In addition, she may suggest particular foods or supplements specific for gaining mass and strength. Expect to start seeing results after 30 days.

Training For Fat Loss

You'll likely work with your trainer three to five times per week. One to two of these sessions will be concerned with strength training to preserve muscle mass. The remaining sessions will emphasize cardio. This may include sprints or circuit training. For example, Monday and Wednesday may still be strength days. Tuesday and Thursday, however, are sprint days. You'll perform one minute of work for six sets with 90 seconds of rest between efforts. On average, you'll drop one to two pounds a week, seeing results in three to six weeks. As with strength training, your trainer may suggest foods pertinent to fat loss.

How Much Should I Pay for an At-Home Personal Trainer?

Hiring a personal trainer in health club help you reform your habits can give you the extra edge you need to meet your fitness goals. Unfortunately, private trainers can be pricey, especially when you reside in an area where trainers are in high demand. By asking upfront what a trainer's policies, contract terms and pricing are, you can begin a mutually beneficial partnership without the risk of missed communication and questionable terms.

Initial Discussion

While searching for the ideal personal trainer, you'll need to have frank discussions with the various trainers you contact.The price is 1000 to 1500  per session of 45 min. whether you have a trainer come to your home or meet at the health club. The price will vary depending upon where you live. Some may set a price on a session-by-session basis, while others prefer a monthly or contract rate. Some gyms will offer you a discount if you buy multiple training sessions or sign up as part of a new membership. Online personal training sessions are also available. If you're having the trainer come to your home, ask what type of equipment is necessary so you understand what your upfront costs are.

Contract Terms

Once you've narrowed your search to one or two personal trainers, take the time to look over the client information and contract that a reputable trainer will supply you. The contract will likely cover terms such as your agreed-upon price, the length of your contract and what exactly you're paying for. It's important to read the contract thoroughly, since once you sign it, it's a legally binding document that proves your willingness to agree to all of the terms. It's also an excellent time to address any concerns you may have with the pricing or terms.

mail for personal training or queries :-

Exercises For A Bikini Body

Getting a beach perfect body is hard because it takes a lot of effort in working out and dieting. It's all worth it in the end as you get a killer physique!

For women planning a beach vacation is not that easy as they seem to many. As soon their plan takes off, they will start craving for that perfect bikini body. While not all women are blessed with that perfect, trimmed and toned bikini body, it doesn’t mean that they can never get in it.
So, whether you want to plan your vacation or just want to prepare for summer, its never too late to begin your bikini body workout plan. So lets get down to business and help you make super strides towards your dream physique with the most amazing and easy to follow 4 week bikini body workout
All the exercises in this ultimate workout for a bikini body plan target at least three major muscle groups in your body, thus you will end up training smarter and not longer. The result of your hard work will be visible in 4 weeks in the form of swimsuit worthy abs, thighs, butt and sleeker arms. Follow this workout plan 3 to 4 days a week for at least 20 minutes followed by the 15 minutes of high intensity cardio session. 

1.    Front Lifts 
Focus Areas: Thighs, Glutes, Calves, Abs, Shoulders
How To Perform
  •  Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart, keep arms on your sides
  •  Lift arms over your head with palms facing in
  • Lift your right leg from the hip until it becomes parallel to the ground
  • Hold the position for two counts and then drop right foot in the front lunge position
Optional Challenge: Hold 2 pound dumbbells in your hand
2. Front Lunge 
Focus Areas: Thighs, Glutes, Calves, Abs, Shoulders
How to Perform 
  • Now that you have lowered yourself in lunge position, bring both your arms to your sides at the shoulder height.
  • Hold the position for 2 counts and then rise to your standing position bringing both legs and arms to your starting position.
  • 20 reps with 10 reps per leg with complete control                                       
.    3.Leg Pull/Push Up 
Focus Areas: Chest, Back, Arms, Abs, Glutes
How To Perform 
  • Get in push up position with hands under your shoulders, draw your abdomen in, towards the spine.
  • Left left leg to hip height or even slightly higher and then lower it after two counts, repeat the same 5 times.
  • Repeat leg lifts on right leg as well. 
  • Extend left leg, bend elbows, and slowly lower chest towards the ground; straighten arms.
  • Do 5 push-ups with left leg lifted, then lower.
  • Do 5 more push-ups with right leg lifted.

4. Kneeling One Arm Side Kick 
Focus Areas: Chest, Shoulders, Glutes, Obliques
How To Perform 
  • Come on your hands an knees with palms facing directly under the shoulders
  • Extend your left leg behind up to your hip height
  • Lift your right arm out towards your side at shoulder level
  • Keeping hips, head, and arms stable, kick left leg out to the side as far as you can, without rocking or losing momentum.
  • Hold the position for 2 counts
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times on each side 
5. Reverse Plank
Focus Areas: Arms, Chest, Back, Legs, Glutes, Abs
How To Perform 
  • Sit with legs extended and toes pointed
  • Press your palms to the ground 6 inches behind your butt with fingers pointing to your back.
  • Arch upper back slightly while engaging your abs
  • Press body weight into your hands and lift hips up
  • Form one line from ankles to shoulders.
  • As you lift hips, try to touch the balls of both feet to the ground.
  • Hold for 2 counts and return to starting position; repeat 10 times.
6. Arm Swing Curtsy Squat 

Focus Areas: Thighs, Glutes, Obliques
How To Perform 
  •  Stand tall with your arms overhead 
  •  Bend your left knee and lift left foot so that it hovers next to your right knee. Keep your toes pointing downwards 
  •  Keeping right foot planted, take a giant step out to left side with left foot. 
  •  Swoop down and curtsy over left leg, curling left arm in front of body and extending right arm to sky.
  •  Hold the position for 2 counts
  •  Return to the starting position, repeat10 times on each side

7. Half Seated Hip Circle 
Focus Areas: Abs, Thighs, Obliques 
How To Perform 
  • Lean back on your elbows with abs tight and fingers cupping sides of your hips so that your pelvis is still.
  • Extend legs to 60 degrees while keeping lower back pressed to ground
  • Point toes and keep your inner thighs together 
  • Trace 10 large circles clockwise in air with both the feet
  • Repeat 10 times 

Time (In Minutes)
Cardio Exercise
Jumping Jacks
Run In Place
Squat Jumps
Jumping Jacks
Run In Place
Squat Jumps
Jumping Jacks
Run In Place (Gradually Slowing Down)

Finish the entire series of this bikini workout twice  with the number of repetitions and sets provided with each exercise.
If you are willing to up the stakes, then boost the challenge by adding light weight as indicated. For your off days include 45 to 60 minute cardio sessions. 

Wednesday 7 December 2016


A person suffering from diabetes has to follow a strict diet routine everyday, which becomes rather challenging when the patient has to lose weight as well.

Sedentary lifestyle, reckless eating habits and lack of physical activity has made almost 60% of Indian population vulnerable to deadly lifestyle diseases. Diabetes is one such common lifestyle health disorder that has become quite prevalent in our society. A person who is suffering from diabetes needs to follow a strict diet plan every day to keep their insulin levels in check. Things become all the more difficult for a person suffering from diabetes but are willing to shed the extra kilos. 
Many physicians also advise diabetic patients to stay in the right weight range  to avoid complications in future. Patients suffering from diabetes also often get advice on drinking a glass of bitter gourd (karela) juice every morning to control high blood sugar levels. No one ever said that suffering from diabetes means you need to deprive yourself of tasty foods to keep your insulin and weight in check. You can still enjoy the liberty of eating what you like, only if you know how to maintain a fine balance between food and exercise.  
1200 Calorie Diet Plan For Diabetic Patients
Here is a simple under 1200 calorie diet plan for diabetes patients. This will not only help you control your calorie intake but will also keep a check on blood sugar levels and increase your fibre and nutrient consumption. Also, you no longer have to avoid the foods you love with this sample diet plan. 
In addition to this, the 1200 calorie diet plan for diabetes will also help in clearing the air about a lot of diet related confusions we often have. Like fruits be consumed between meals or one should eat salad 10 minutes before the main course to avoid overeating, etc. 
So, here is the sample 1200 calorie weight loss diet plan for diabetes. 
Meal TimeWhat To Eat
Early MorningFenugreek seeds with 1 cup water, 1 cup tea without sugar, 2 Marie biscuits
Breakfast2 small methi/palak paratha with 50gm curd Or 1 medium bowl egg white/paneer bhurji Or 1 bowl vegetable poha/daliya/upma
Mid Morning1 fruit (apple/guava/orange)
Lunch1 medium bowl salad, 1 medium bowl seasonal veggies, 1 bowl dal, 2 roti without ghee
Evening1 cup milk/green tea/lemon water (without sugar) with 1 cup roasted chana
Dinner 1 bowl salad, 2 roti without ghee, 1 cup seasonal vegetable, 1 cup curd
Late Night1 glass skimmed milk without sugar
You can always make variations with seasonal veggies and dal for your meal time. Also, there are ample choices in evening snacks and breakfast to keep a variety in your daily meal. A cheat meal ,once in a while, will also not harm only if you are willing to make up for it in your next meal and daily workout routine. To do so, just cut down your calorie intake and stick with clear soup and fruits diet on the next day of your cheat meal. Don't forget to consult your physician before following the diet plan as they will be in a better position to suggest one as per your health requirements. 

Sunday 20 November 2016

Best Butt Exercises : Tips to Shape Your Butt

Getting back in shape and maintaining a firm shape of your rather ignored butt, are poles apart from each other. So are there are any best butt exercises to tone your rear? Lets have a look!

Getting back in shape has different meaning for different people, like for men losing/gaining a few pounds and buffing up their chest and arms and in some checks getting those perfect 6 pack abs signifies getting back in shape. However, in case of women sculpting their derriere is the most important and difficult too part of getting back in shape as it boosts their confidence so that they can strut around in those high heels and tight denims with elan. 
But, are there any sure shot ways to shape your bum? Well the answer to this question might be yes, but lets be very clear on this. There is no such thing as 10 min firm butt workout, because like everything even shaping up your butt needs a lot of effort and dedication from your end. There are a couple of important things that you need to keep in mind before you get into the serious business of butt workout. They are:
  • You must perform at least 3 sets of 2-3 butt specific exercise to get desired results for the targeted body part.
  • Once you start your workout, you need to progressively overload it with weight addition, challenging variations, increased repetitions, adding more sets, etc. to promote muscle growth.
  • Its impossible to work muscles in full isolation; as when you workout for any one particular body part the other muscles also work in conjunction. 
  • The shape of your perfect derriere remains incomplete without the matching legs, so don’t ignore them. 

Before we get on to the business of what are the best exercises to tone your butt, another important thing to keep in mind is that you must do at least 3 sets of whichever exercise your chose with 10-12 repetitions for optimum results. 
So, here are some most effective butt exercises for all the women out there, so that they can make other women go jealous with their fab body.
Deep Squats

Performing deep squats with only your bodyweight can help a lot in ensuring maximum glute activation, especially when you keep your back straight while going as low as possible. To avoid caving of your knees and rounding of your back, hold your arms in front of your chest together to flare out your elbows. You can also increase the difficulty level by holding some weight in front if your chest.
Doing squats not only works excellently on your glutes as it is the best exercise to shape buttocks, but also make you strong by improving your flexibility as well as overall core strength. 
Horse Stance 
If you are acquainted with martial arts, then you must have also heard of the horse riding stance, as it is a staple to martial arts and is also considered to be an excellent way of promoting strength and size for your glutes and thigh muscles. 
To perform horse stance stand straight while opening your normal stance with a foot beyond your shoulder width and squat down in a position of sitting in chair. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground to feel the burn of this exercise. Hold your position for as long as you can. A beginner can stay in this position for about 15 to 30 seconds, gradually increasing it with time. 


One of the most dynamic butt shaping exercises that helps in activating glutes provides complete cardiovascular workout is Step-up. To perform this exercise all you need is a platform higher then your knees. But if you are new to this exercise then start with a lower platform like a chair or something.  
To perform step up exercise, step on the platform with one foot and raise your body up. Bring the knee of your other leg as much up as possible before you step back to normal position gently. Once you master the normal step up, increase your difficulty level by holding small weights in your hands. 
Glute Bridges 

Glute bridges is one such butt workout that hits your glutes really hard, so if you experience some soreness after this then don’t be surprise. 
To master the art of glute bridges lie down on your back while planting your feet comfortably on the ground with knees pointing upward. Now raise your butt off the floor until the only parts of your body touching the floor are your feet, head and shoulder backs. While pushing the hips up try and squeeze your glutes when you reach the top.
Rear Leg Lifts

Rear leg lifts is a perfect answer to our common question ‘how to shape your buttocks fast’ as they work exclusively on the rear part of your body. 
To perform rear leg lifts kneel on your knees and hands, while keeping your arms straight. Now lift your one leg and push it hard toward the ceiling. Bring your leg back to the normal position slowly while not losing the control over your body and keep on alternating the movement between your legs. Do no end up jerking your leg accidentally. 
You might find doing this a bit hard initially and some of you may even end up having cramps, thus ensure to give enough stretch to your legs afterwards. If you want to increase the difficulty level try adding some ankle weights or put a small dumbbell between your hamstring and calf. 
Side leg lift is a variation of this exercise that you can try, in this you will be lying on your side instead of kneeling. However, we advice you to use thick yoga mats or folded blankets to perform this exercise. This exercise will prove effective in hitting the smaller muscles of your glutes and legs hard to get them back in toned shape. 
Try all of these moves to lift your butt or start at least with three to fulfill your dream of having a well toned and shapely bottom along with a figure to die for.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Now let’s assume that you have decided to reduce your weight? The moment you set your mind to lose weight, you want to reduce weight as fast as possible and you want to cut down at least 10 kgs in a week which is far beyond possibility. Weight loss has to be normal and natural and you have to follow steps that will help you lose weight naturally. There are two ways through which you can reduce weight naturally.
  • DIET
When you are planning to reduce your weight through dieting, you need to follow a specific diet plan that doesn’t harm your health. There may be several diet plans that have proven great results for your friends but might not suit your physiology.  So it’s highly important that you choose what suits you best and to be on the safer side, please consult with your physician whether the diet plan that you have chosen is the best for you.
Most of you would have heard of GM diet or General Motors diet. It’s a well-known diet system through which many people have reduced their weight in a healthy and natural manner. This diet system was created for the staffs of General Motors Inc and hence the name GM or General Motors diet. Though this is a well known and safe diet plan to reduce weight, not all can afford to practice it.DIABETICS and people with other health restrictions should consult your physician before practicing GM diet plan. The best part is that you lose 3-5 kgs in 7 days. In case if you don’t experience such weight loss there’s nothing to get perturbed about it. Kindly consult with your physician. 
With GM diet plan, you get specific details regarding the diet that you have to follow for 7 days. The table will explain the GM diet plan.
    Day         What you can eat     What you can’t eat
Day 1All fruits + 10 to 12 glasses of waterNo bananas and honey.
Day 2All kind of veggies including greens and water (10-12 glasses)No fruits and rice.
Day 3Both fruits and veggies. 10-12 glasses of water.No honey topping!
Day 4Bananas, skim milk and GM wonder soup. Indians can prefer yogurt.  Buttermilk is also good.No sugar to yogurt.
Day 5Soybean curd, paneer and brown rice. Increase water intake.No adding to sugar to the curd.
Day 6Veggies, paneer, and sprouts or a cup of brown rice.No tomatoes and potatoes
Day 7Veggies, fruit juice and 2 cups of brown riceNo sugar.

Day 1 of GM diet plan:

Day 1 is an ALL FRUIT DAY! This can be pretty daunting on the first go, but you can choose any fruit that you would like to eat excluding bananas. You can eat how much ever you like but eat only fruits. FRUIT SALAD should be a great idea. It looks colorful and appealing and at the same time you don’t get bored of a single fruit. But no toppings on the fruit salad! Not even salt and pepper. It is very important that you consume enough of water at least 10-12 glasses a dayWater saves you from dehydration. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals and the fiber content in fruits help clean your digestive system. Fruits on the first day are to prepare your body for the rest of the 6 days.

Day 2 of GM diet plan:

Your 2nd day of GM diet plan consists only of vegetables and you are not allowed to take anything but veggies and lots of water. Choose either boiled or raw vegetables but avoid cooking in oil. 1 boiled potato can be taken either as your breakfast or brunch and that compensates your carbohydrate and energy level. High nutrient levels in vegetables are essential for your body and when you cook them in oil they don’t help in weight loss. Green leafy vegetables supply a high amount of potassium to your body. Few patients are not allowed to take potassium-rich veggies and that is why GM diet doesn’t suit people with health restrictions. In such cases, you can choose other diet plans under the guidance of your physician.

Day 3 of GM diet plan:

     Day 3 is a combination of both day 1 and day 2 of GM diet planOn day 3 you are allowed to take both fruits and vegetables and water goes without saying. Avoid sugar, salt and pepper to the salads. Your body will get the required amount of sugar and salt from the fruits and vegetable that you eat. NO BANANA as yet!You can switch from fruit salads to vegetable salads to avoid getting bored. Stay away from potatoes since you get enough of carbohydrates from the vegetables that are already a major part of your diet. You might be fed up of eating fruits and vegetables for all three days but no more worries. Add a pinch of salt and pepper for taste. Panner, soups and brown rice will soon become a part of your GM diet plan.

Day 4 of GM diet plan:

 Yogurt, banana, and GM soup are your day 4 meal. Don’t confuse yogurt with curd, both are different. You can also prefer skimmed milk instead of yogurt. Yogurt and banana are the “Indian version of the Gm diet”. Buttermilk is also a good choice. But today it’s easy to get skimmed milk in the market. So it’s your choice to choose over yogurt or skim milk but don’t choose both. After three days of fruits and vegetables, you get to taste GM wonder soup and it is definitely going to be a delight to eat. But avoid cream and other rich ingredients to the soup and it should not be in a thick consistency. GM wonder soup should be watery and add a pinch of salt and pepper for taste. Not more than a pinch of salt!

How to make GM wonder soup:


  • Onions- 4
  • Capsicum [green peppers]-2
  • Tomatoes- 4
  • Cabbage- 1 or ½
  • Celery- just a bunch
  • Water- lots depending upon the watery consistency.
Remember that you have to switch between yogurt [skimmed milk], bananas and this soup. So make how much ever you might need.  

How to cook?

  • Sauté chopped onion and capsicum in few drops of oil, preferably olive oil.
  • Add chopped cabbage and keep sautéing.
  • Then add chopped celery. Once it is done, add tomatoes.
  • Add water and let it boil nicely. Slow cook it until it the veggies become soft and tender.
  • Add little salt and pepper for taste.
  • Ready to serve.

Day 5 of GM diet plan:

       Protein rich foods are a part of your diet on the 5th day. You are allowed to take curd, 5-6 tomatoes and any one item that is rich in protein. The non-Indian version included beef in the day 5 diet plan, but the GM diet Indian version gives you an option to choose either brown rice or skinless chicken or fish.
             Vegetarians         Non- Vegetarians
·         Brown rice·         Skinless Chicken – breast part
·         Paneer /cottage cheese·         Fish
·         Sprouts·         Lean meat
 Remember that you are allowed to take either one of these and not all!
After all the 4 days of fruits, veggies and GM wonder soup, day 5 is usually considered the Great feast day! When you prefer chicken or fish, please be careful of the oil that you add to cook. It’s better if you take GRILLED fish or chicken (olive oil would be betterat least till you lose some solid amount of weight).
If you prefer to follow the vegetarian version of GM diet plan and you are choosing over paneer, try and make a soup out of the tomatoes and add the paneer to it. No adding cream to the soup! Let the soup be little watery because you are dieting! You can’t  fry the paneer like you do in normal cases rather sauté the paneer in few drops of olive oil. If you are not a paneer lover then you can choose SOYA NUGGETS. But not both!!
For those who prefer brown rice, plainly boil the rice. You can’t expect the brown rice to become soft and fluffy like your white rice. Even after it’s cooked, it will not be soft. But it’s that healthy! 
Day 6 of GM diet plan:

     On this day of GM dieting, you will stay away from tomatoes. Sprouts, veggies and paneer are allotted for the 6th day of GM diet plan. Sprouts are recommended as protein supplements. You can also choose brown ice instead of sprouts. You can actually make a good salad out this combination. Drink lots of water. NO POTATOES since your body gets enough of carbohydrates from other veggies and a cup of rice.

Salad Ingredients:

  • Sprouts- handful of multigrain sprouts that include chick peas, green gram and the like or any specific sprout variety.
  • All kind of vegetables except tomato.
  • Paneer.
Before you can start preparing your salad, here’s a word of caution. Most of you have the tendency of buying sprouts from the super markets. God knows when they are packed! So reads these steps to make your own sprouts.
   Steps                                      Procedure
Step 1Take a hand full of multigrain like dried chick peas, peas, green gram. You can choose whatever you like to have.
Step 2Soak the grains overnight in a bowl of water.
Step 3Next morning drain the water and wash it.
Step 4Now take a pure clean cotton cloth and tightly bundle up the soaked grains in it.
Step 5After 2 days you will find the grains to have sprouted.
You can also simply place the soaked grains in your refrigerator and they will still beautifully sprout.
How to make the salad:
  • Coarsely chop the veggies. You can cut them finely if you want so.
  • Mix the veggies and sprouts.
  • Add pepper and lemon juice for taste.
  • You can also add little cubes of panner to it.
  • You can also choose to make a tasty soup out of it.

Day 7 of GM diet plan:

The last day of your GM dieting! Veggies, rice and fruits are allotted for the 7thday. You can take even two cups of rice. For a change instead of fruit salads you can drink fruit juices. Now check your weight and you would have definitely reduced at least 3-5 kgs. There’s nothing to worry if you haven’t reduced even less than that. Try sometime later and experience the results.
It’s usually not advisable to do exercise while following the GM diet plan, at least not in the beginning stages. But regular walking is always a must for a healthy life.
A word of caution: If you happened to experience severe tiredness, dehydration and the like, stop the GM diet and consult with your physician. And this the reason why we told you to confirm with your physician even before you could start with the GM diet.
Now let’s make a GM diet chart so that you have a clear cut idea to get started with GM dieting. You are free to choose your favourite fruit or vegetables instead of what’s given in tabular column below. But avoid those that are excluded on respective days.